56 pages 1 hour read

Jane Harper

The Survivors

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 18-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary

The police station is in a state of chaos as officers prepare to close it permanently. Kieran and Mia sit among the stacked boxes while Renn and Pendlebury question them about their whereabouts on the night of Bronte’s death. Both Kieran and Mia agree they saw lights on in Fisherman’s Cottage but cannot confirm the car was Liam’s. Mia asserts they took the road home instead of the shorter route down the beach because it was poorly lit and unsafe. Kieran notices Pendlebury is particularly interested in Mia and inquires about her connection to Gabby. Renn reviews Liam’s story saying he claims he was upset Kieran was in town and only wanted to give them a little scare. Audrey spits up on Mia, and while they go to the restroom to clean up, Renn stands with Kieran outside and tells him he is not obligated to cover for Liam or Sean no matter how much pressure they put on him. Kieran thinks about how much Renn has aged since he was just a young constable 12 years ago.

As they part ways with the officers, Mia hears her name called from the gas station across the street. Patricia Birch approaches them and happily greets Mia and Audrey.