66 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro

The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2023

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Chapters 10-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

Will is dreaming, though he doesn’t realize it. He arrives at the bottom of the stairs to the Underworld, drained of energy. Nico runs toward the River Styx, excited to show Will his home. To Will’s horror, Nico jumps in the river and goes over a waterfall. Will runs to the edge and sees Nico below, urging him to jump in. Will is confused about Nico’s behavior: The river is supposed to be “a soul-destroying, toxic river of damnation” (101).

Nico suddenly claims that Will only slows him down on his quest and is too cowardly to continue. Fearing that the Underworld is changing Nico, Will jumps in the river to retrieve him, but it feels like his body is on fire. He sees Nico on the shore and struggles to reach him. As Will coughs out acidic, black water, Nico vanishes. Will realizes he’s been left alone in the Underworld. He collapses and a shadow envelops him.

Chapter 11 Summary

Nico wakes up at the bottom of the stone stairs to the Underworld. His body is exhausted, and his mind is even more so. He sees Will on the floor asleep. A shadowy entity is above him, its pulsating tentacles spread out over Will.