81 pages 2 hours read

Jenny Han

The Summer I Turned Pretty

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2009

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Chapters 21-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary

Belly goes outside for a midnight swim and sees Conrad, Jeremiah, and a local guy named Clay sitting at the pool drinking beers. Although Belly feels uncomfortable around Clay, she proceeds to the pool. Clay hugs Belly and asks her how she has been; Conrad responds that she is fine and that it is time for her to go to bed. She remains seated when Conrad again tries to convince her to leave and tells him that she is only two years younger than him.

At this, Clay says his ex-girlfriend was Belly’s age and that they broke up because of distance. Belly thinks that breaking up because of distance is silly, especially when she has had a crush on Conrad for years. Clay then asks Belly if she has a boyfriend, and Belly makes eye contact with Conrad as she lies, saying that she does. Clay invites Belly to the Fourth of July bonfire at his house the next night, a clear sign to Belly that she is finally considered one of the older kids.

Belly finds that the storied bonfire party fails to live up to expectations, but at the fire, she notices an attractive guy she does not recognize.