42 pages 1 hour read

Gabriel García Márquez

The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor

Nonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 1955

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Chapters 12-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary: “Resurrection in a Strange Land”

After swimming for 15 minutes, Velasco finally spots the land again, certain that it is real. He continues to swim towards shore, but his strength is failing. As he touches the sand for the first time, the undertow threatens to pull him back out to sea. Too weak to stand, he claws at the sand and crawls out of the water.

“Human Footprints”

Velasco lies on the beach and notices the silence around him. Scanning the area for signs of a human presence, he notices a barbed-wire fence, a narrow path with animal footprints, and coconut shells. He figures someone must come around regularly and harvest the coconuts. After a while, a dog barks, and then a girl appears, walking. Not knowing where he is, Velasco wonders whether the girl speaks Spanish. He calls out in English for help. She frightens and runs away.

“A Man, a Donkey, and a Dog”

Velasco feels anxious that he has just missed his last chance of rescue. However, the barking returns, and a man appears leading a donkey. This time Velasco calls out in Spanish. The man does not at first respond but then, in Spanish, he asks Velasco what happened to him. Velasco tells the man quickly.