42 pages 1 hour read

Holly Black

The Stolen Heir

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2023

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Chapters 4-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

Wren senses romantic history between the now estranged Tiernan and Hyacinthe. The group stops by Wren’s camp in the woods, so she may gather her valuables—including a fox figurine from her childhood games with Oak. Oak reveals his plan to appeal to Queen Annet of the Court of Moths for safe passage through her swamps, where an ancient hag called the Thistlewitch lives. The Thistlewitch has a dowsing rod that can find anything, including Mellith’s heart, which Lady Nore requested in exchange for Madoc’s return. Oak does not yet reveal this information to Wren, “[leaving] [her] to wonder what part of his plan he has elided, that he needs a hag to find something for him” (70). As they leave Wren’s encampment, they’re attacked by stick figures animated by the power Lady Nore siphons from Mab’s bones.

In a moment of privacy after their escape, Hyacinthe offers information to Wren in exchange for removing his bridle. Though Hyacinthe has not given an oath to Lady Nore, he yearns to return to her so she can remove his curse; Oak has only been able to partially remove it.