56 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Son of Neptune

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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Chapters 29-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary: “Hazel”

Hazel is overwhelmed with guilt as they reboard the boat and head to Seattle. She decides to tell Percy and Frank the truth about her past in response to Phineas accusing her of putting the entire war into action because she helped Gaea raise Alcyoneus in 1941. Both Frank and Percy tell Hazel she wasn’t to blame and that she was brave for taking on Gaea on her own. However, she still feels guilty, so when she starts to fall into another of her blackouts, she holds on to Frank’s hand and takes him with her.

Hazel is in “Charon’s boat, crossing the Styx” (300). Hazel is taken in front of the three judges, and they sentence her to Elysium because of her bravery against Gaea. However, when she learns her mother is being punished for her actions, she insists on being punished as well. Hazel is sent to the Fields of Asphodel where she will drift aimlessly, lost and confused, for all of eternity. At first, she searches for her mother, but cannot find her. Finally, she sits under a tree to wait out eternity. As she and Frank sit, Frank tells her about the firewood and asks her to keep it for him.