56 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Son of Neptune

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Percy”

Percy dreams of a faun named Grover who tells him they are close to finding him. Annabeth appears, telling him, “Stay put!” (150) so that someone named Tyson can find him. The dream shifts to a woman disguised inside the landscape of the Berkeley Hills. She tells Percy that he is the key to the god’s defeat. He then sees a camp like Camp Jupiter where a giant waits for Percy to arrive for a battle.

On the way to the senate meeting, Percy meets Terminus, a god that appears as a stone statue that guards the city of New Rome. Percy is surprised by the families living in New Rome, and it gives him hope for his future in a way he cannot explain.

Chapter 14 Summary: “Percy”

At the senate meeting, there is debate over whether Frank should lead the quest as Mars requested. Frank is rewarded for the victory at the war games and is promoted to centurion so that he can lead the quest. Octavian questions Frank, making it clear he does not believe Frank is capable of a successful quest even with his chosen companions, Hazel and Percy. During the questioning, Hazel and Percy reveal that they believe they are to go to Alaska and that the name of the giant they will face is Alcyoneus.