44 pages 1 hour read

Eowyn Ivey

The Snow Child

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2012

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Part 3, Chapters 36-44

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3, Chapter 36 Summary

Eight years have passed. Mabel now loves the wilderness’s rugged beauty. She accepts that Faina vanishes each spring and returns with the first snow. Over the years, the girl has grown more beautiful. During their time apart, Mabel now tends to the farmhouse and waits patiently for winter.

Part 3, Chapter 37 Summary

Garrett, nearly 20, has become an accomplished trapper. He enjoys being alone in the mountains and dreams of getting away from his father’s farm. In a gesture of gratitude, Jack offers Garrett a chance to become his legal partner in his farm. Jack confides that Garrett is the closest he has to a son. It is a generous offer, but Garrett wants to think it over.

Part 3, Chapter 38 Summary

Going into November, Garrett understands the need to hunt before winter closes in. As he treks about the woods, he sees a great swan beating its wings in obvious panic. As he gets closer, he sees the bird is caught in a snare. Much to his surprise, he sees a beautiful young woman in a blue coat approach the stricken bird. He knows this must be the girl that only