87 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sea of Monsters

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. A (Chapter 1)

2. C (Chapter 4)

3. A (Chapter 6)

4. D (Chapter 8)

5. C (Chapter 11)

6. A (Chapter 12)

7. C (Chapter 16)

8. B (Chapter 17)

9. D (Chapter 19)

10. A (Chapter 20)

Long Answer

1. When Tyson decides to work in the cyclops forges, it is a sign of self-acceptance: He has accepted himself for who he is and is ready to make weapons for the camp in the underwater forges. In this way, he can help Percy and Camp Half-Blood. This choice signifies that Tyson’s major role in the series is over. (Chapter 20)

2. The author employs the use of foreshadow through Percy’s dreams. These dreams serve as predictions of important events and warn Percy when something is wrong, telling him that he needs to act. (Various chapters)