87 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sea of Monsters

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 9-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “I Have the Worst Family Reunion Ever”

The three collect their belongings and set out to find Luke. On the way, they overhear another guy they recognize from camp the summer before and watch a group of monsters attack a dummy wearing a Camp Half Blood shirt. They approach the admiralty suite, and Tyson hears voices inside from 30 feet away, which he can listen to and imitate as if the voices are speaking through him. It’s Luke and someone they don’t recognize, and they’re discussing Chiron getting fired from camp. Tyson imitates the voices discussing how Percy and his friends are right outside, and the door swings open before the group can run. Cornered by giants wielding javelins, Percy and his friends follow Luke into the suite.

Inside, the suite looks like any other executive cabin, except for a sarcophagus with images of Greek battles. In contrast to the Bermuda shorts, T-shirt, and unruly hair he used to have, Luke now wears nice clothes and looks like “an evil male model” (125). He admits to poisoning Thalia’s tree and chastises Annabeth for traveling with a cyclops after what happened with Thalia. Percy goes on the offensive, but Luke rattles him with details of the prophesy Chiron won’t tell Percy about.