87 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sea of Monsters

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 19-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary: “The Chariot Race Ends with a Bang”

With help from the centaurs, Percy and his friends return to camp that night, in time to watch Clarisse place the Golden Fleece on Thalia’s tree. As soon as she does, the land starts to revitalize, and the tree turns from gray to green. After a night of celebrating, Chiron announces the chariot races are still on. Percy teams up with Annabeth and Tyson, and they spend the next two days training and modifying their chariot. The night before the race, Hermes visits Percy to ask about Luke. Percy apologizes for not being able to bring Luke back to the side of the gods. Hermes says he doesn’t blame Percy and delivers a blue envelope that radiates power as if it had been “folded out of an ocean wave” (260). The letter is from Poseidon and says only “brace yourself.”

The day of the chariot dawns bright and warm—a perfect summer day. Percy, Annabeth, and the other campers from Athena’s cabin finalize preparations on their chariot. Tyson gives Percy a wristwatch and tells him to push the button if he needs protection during the race. Unsure what that means, Percy puts on the watch and boards the chariot.