35 pages 1 hour read

Gary Paulsen

The River

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1991

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Chapters 16-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Brian attempts to drag Derek down to the bank of the lake but finds that his heaviness means he can only move him a few inches at a time. He struggles to get Derek on the raft but finally succeeds and ties him to the raft using more strips from his jacket. Brian does all he can to make Derek comfortable and finds himself checking Derek’s breathing and heartbeat automatically. He tells Derek what they are about to do, unsure of whether Derek can hear him or not. Brian realizes that someone may come looking for them and leaves a note in their shelter explaining their situation and plan. After testing the raft, he finds that it will support their weight, and he sets out at mid-afternoon. He pulls the raft around the edge of the lake on foot, and for the first time, feels a sliver of hope that they might make it to safety. 

Chapter 17 Summary

Brian commits to his decision to make the run down the river, knowing that there will be no turning back. Brian quickly finds that the raft is difficult to steer around the river’s many bends.