35 pages 1 hour read

Gary Paulsen

The River

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1991

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Chapters 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Brian tries to remember anything he might have learned about comas, but nothing comes to him. He thinks Derek could go over a week without food but not without water. It has almost been two days since Derek was struck by lightning. He tries to put a small amount of water into Derek’s mouth, but Derek immediately begins choking. Brian realizes that Derek will not be able to drink anything. He remembers that he once heard about a girl who was in a coma and could hear people talking, even though she couldn’t respond. He explains the situation to Derek, telling him that he doesn’t know what to do, but Derek does not show any sign that he has heard Brian. Brian notices the briefcase and finds the map inside. As he looks at the map, he finds the lake they are close to, and sees “the river” (75). 

Chapter 14 Summary

Brian studies the path of the river on the map, drawn to it without knowing why. He sees that the river eventually passes by a spot on the map labeled Brannock Trading Post. He concludes that a trading post would most likely have people.