47 pages 1 hour read

Lemony Snicket

The Reptile Room

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1999

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Chapters 3-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary

Lemony Snicket apologizes to the reader for ending Chapter 2 on a cliffhanger and uses a dinner engagement as an excuse.

Sunny doesn’t mind the bite at all, which is more of a playful nip, and she begins to play with the Incredibly Deadly Viper. Uncle Monty explains that the name is a misnomer—the snake is actually harmless and friendly. He chose the name for his newly discovered snake because he hopes to pull a prank on his Herpetological Society colleagues, who have made fun of his own double-name for years.

Uncle Monty warns the Baudelaires that there are snakes in the room that are actually deadly. However, these snakes have better cages with locks. He says as long as the children learn facts and follow rules, they won’t be harmed in his Reptile Room. Lemony Snicket notes that this statement is dramatic irony because even though the Baudelaires aren’t going to die, Uncle Monty is.

The Baudelaires and Uncle Monty spend the following days working in the Reptile Room, preparing for the upcoming trip. Each evening after dinner, they go to the movie theater to see a film.