100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 7-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “I Drop a Little Man on His Head”

Carter protests that Amos told them not to go into the library, but Sadie reminds him of their situation and the impending disaster, which makes him agree to explore. The doors are chained and locked closed. Sadie holds up a hand, says the word for “destroy” in ancient Egyptian, and the doors explode. Inside, they find more statues and several items, but no books. Their dad’s work bag is there, and Carter finds the box his dad used at the museum. Inside, they find magicians’ tools, including a stylus, papyrus, and a wax figurine. Sadie jokingly asks the figure to tell them about their dad, and the figurine comes to life. Sadie screams and drops him “on his tiny head” (92).

The little man introduces himself as a shabti (answerer) named Doughboy. When he learns Julius is gone, he makes a break for freedom, but Sadie tosses him back in the box. Carter tells Doughboy what happened to their dad, and Doughboy declares his service fulfilled before turning back into solid wax. Next, they search the shelves, finding scrolls. One lists the pharaoh’s bloodlines, and their last name, Kane, is at the bottom. Next, they find a scroll showing the five gods their dad released from the Rosetta Stone.