100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 37-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary: “Leroy Gets His Revenge”

Set has been controlling Amos since the night at the British Museum. He forced Amos to sabotage the protection spells at the mansion and faked Amos’s capture so Sadie and Carter would trust him. Carter asks why Set went to all the trouble and didn’t just have Amos kidnap them. An annoyed Set explains that Amos put up a strong fight. He couldn’t force Amos to do certain things without killing him, and Set “didn’t want to ruin my new plaything quite so soon” (453).

Set will imprison his four siblings within the pyramid to extend his power. He believes Zia hosts Nephthys, but Carter senses no divine energy from Zia. Set grabs Zia, but rather than triumphant, he is angered, demanding to know what trickery this is. Sadie goes to Zia’s aid and Set blasts the girls with power. In a flash, Carter realizes he has to work with Horus, not submit to the god. The two merge their power, transforming into the falcon avatar. Carter advances on Set, telling the god he will “crush you like a gnat” (457).