100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 34-36

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 34 Summary: “Doughboy Gives Us a Ride”

Carter uses Doughboy to enchant his coat so it can drive a truck, and the group heads toward Phoenix. On the way, Zia laments about their situation. As punishment for her betrayal, the House of Life will banish or exile her, and the look on her face suggests that she “couldn’t figure out why she was rebelling” (427) in the first place. When she returned from the British Museum, Iskandar told her she was in danger, but she can’t remember what happened after that.

Zia knows Set’s secret name. Carter doesn’t understand how that’s possible, and Zia says she has “this voice telling me the name” (429). Carter concludes that Zia is hosting Nephthys. Zia says it’s impossible because the other magicians would have noticed the difference in her magic, but before they can argue more, the truck slows. Amos is out front on the road. He rejoins the group, and they drive toward the worsening storm in the west.

Chapter 35 Summary: “Men Ask for Directions (And Other Signs of the Apocalypse)”

Sadie takes a nap, and her ba travels to London. There, Isis shows her the destruction that will befall Earth if magicians and gods do not unite. Next, she shows Sadie a meeting of the gods and impresses the importance of Horus taking the throne.