100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 3-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary: “Imprisoned with My Cat”

Chapter 3 switches to Sadie’s perspective. Following the explosion at the museum, Carter and Sadie are picked up by the police and brought to Sadie’s apartment. While Carter talks to the cops, Sadie paces her room, annoyed and afraid at the situation. With only her irritated cat, Muffin, for company, she thinks back on what happened at the museum. She wants to believe it was a dream, but the entire thing was too real. The visit to Cleopatra’s Needle makes Sadie think this has something to do with her mom, and she pulls out the only picture she has of her mother. The picture was taken shortly after Sadie was born, and her mom wears a shirt with the Ankh—the symbol for life. Sadie remembers Amos talking about the Per Ankh. After she could mysteriously read the hieroglyphs in the museum, Sadie feels that if she saw Per Ankh written in hieroglyphics, “I would know what they meant” (33).

A cop comes to Sadie’s room to ask questions about the incident at the museum. He doesn’t believe anything she says, which annoys Sadie even more. She storms to the window and sees Amos outside. Not knowing what to say, she gives Amos’s name, but the officer says Amos couldn’t be involved because he’s in New York.