100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 15-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary: “A Godly Birthday Party”

That night, Sadie sneaks out of the girl’s dormitory and returns to the Hall of Ages to look at the images of the gods’ memories. She touches a picture and finds herself among the gods at Osiris’s birthday party. Set arrives bearing the box where he trapped Sadie’s dad and tells the crowd that the box will increase the power of the god who fits inside. The gods leap at the chance to use the coffin, but none of them fit. Finally, Osiris lies in the box, fitting perfectly. Before he can rise, the lid slams closed, trapping Osiris inside. Set next goes after Isis, Osiris’s wife, but she flees and transforms into a bird. Sadie’s perspective changes to Isis’s. She feels the goddess’s desperation and terror before a hand falls on her shoulder, dispelling the images. It’s Iskandar.

Iskandar warns Sadie about the power to get trapped in the images and asks what she saw. She tells him, and he explains how the gods act out the same squabbles over the centuries, just with different host humans to play the parts. Sadie has an important part to play herself, and Carter will need her guidance.