100 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Red Pyramid

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 1-2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “A Death at the Needle”

Chapter 1 is told from Carter’s perspective and opens with a warning that the reader is in danger just by reading the book. Carter instructs the reader to find an unknown locker at an unknown school and warns whoever seeks out the locker not to keep what’s inside for more than a week, so it doesn’t corrupt them. After this, Carter introduces himself as a 14-year-old who’s traveled the world with his dad, an archaeologist, since he was eight. Having spent most of his time in airports or dig sites, Carter mostly got to do what he wanted. The only rule his dad enforced was not to look in his tool bag, a rule Carter didn’t break “until the day of the explosion” (3).

The explosion occurred on the previous Christmas Eve in London while Carter and his dad were visiting with Carter’s sister Sadie. Normally, Carter’s dad is calm and collected, but on this trip, he’s nervous and clutching his work bag, which Carter’s only seen him do right before they end up in danger. After several situations in the past where they’ve been shot at or chased, Carter doesn’t ask questions anymore.

Sadie lives with her maternal grandparents.