65 pages 2 hours read

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, Transl. Gregory Rabassa

The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1881

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Chapters 66-97

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 66 Summary: “Legs”

Brás walks home after visiting Virgília and finds himself distracted by thoughts of her. He is so preoccupied that he does not notice walking to a hotel where he usually dines.

Chapter 67 Summary: “The Little House”

Returning home from the hotel, Brás discovers a letter from Virgília, revealing suspicions of their involvement spreading. She proposes ending their affair. Brás promptly visits her, urging Virgília to flee with him. When she declines, they decide to sustain their romance discreetly in a secluded house, where Virgília’s former servant will reside.

Chapter 68 Summary: “The Whipping”

One day, Brás witnesses his formerly enslaved servant Prudêncio whipping an enslaved worker, citing negligence as the reason. Despite Brás urging forgiveness, Prudêncio remains adamant about disciplining the man. Brás finds the situation amusing, recognizing it as Prudêncio’s opportunity for revenge for the beatings he endured from Brás.