65 pages 2 hours read

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, Transl. Gregory Rabassa

The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1881

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Chapters 130-160

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 130 Summary: “To Be Inserted in Chapter CXXIX”

This chapter is meant to be inserted between the first and second sentences of Chapter 129. Brás reminisces about his initial post-presidency talk while dancing with Virgília at a ball.

Chapter 131 Summary: “Concerning a Calumny”

Following his conversation with Virgília at the ball, an old friend jokingly teases Brás about his involvement with her. Brás acknowledges the exchange as an indiscretion, reflecting on the misconception about women being indiscreet in love affairs. He argues that women are discreet, concealing their emotions and intentions, while men often boast about theirs.

Chapter 132 Summary: “Which Isn’t Serious”

Brás refers to a common saying that mirrors his thoughts on men’s tendency to boast. He notes that this chapter is not to be taken seriously.