60 pages 2 hours read

Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1881

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Chapters 8-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

Isabel converses with Lord Warburton while he is at Gardencourt. They discuss his family and his liberal political views. Ralph tells Isabel he pities Warburton because he doesn’t take himself seriously. Mr. Touchett tells Isabel he doesn’t recommend she fall in love with Lord Warburton, though he likes the man. He facetiously derides Lord Warburton’s radical politics.

Chapter 9 Summary

Isabel meets and is charmed by the Misses Molyneux, Lord Warburton’s quiet sisters. She visits Lockleigh, Lord Warburton’s home. Isabel comments on the disparity between their brother’s wealth and his progressive political position, which Lord Warburton’s sisters don’t understand. She and Lord Warburton walk alone, and she gets an ominous feeling that he is going to make a romantic scene.

Chapter 10 Summary

Isabel receives a message from her friend, Henrietta. The journalist has arrived in England and is eager to meet with Isabel. Mr. Touchett tells Isabel to invite her friend to Gardencourt, and Henrietta comes to stay.

Ralph is immediately impressed by Henrietta and considers whether he is in love with her. Henrietta plans to write about Gardencourt and its inhabitants, and Isabel attempts to dissuade her. Henrietta and Ralph speak while he shows her the home’s art.