60 pages 2 hours read

Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1881

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Chapters 47-55

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 47 Summary

Isabel learns that Caspar is in Rome and reflects on their final meeting and the fact that thinking of him still upsets her. He comes to visit, then begins attending the Thursday dinners. Gilbert likes Caspar, and he invites him several times to dinner. Isabel asks Caspar to do her the favor of visiting Ralph. When he arrives, he finds Henrietta, who has been visiting Ralph daily and become a close friend. Countess Gemini, Edward, and Madame Merle all arrive in Rome.

Chapter 48 Summary

Ralph decides to return to England. Henrietta offers to accompany him, as does Caspar (the latter on Isabel’s request). Ralph and Isabel say goodbye tenderly. Caspar goes to the Osmonds’ for the Thursday night dinner and converses with Gilbert. He is annoyed at Gilbert’s pretense about his marital happiness. He waits until the others leave in order to speak to Isabel. He tells her he knows he doesn’t have a right to ask, but he loves her and wants to know whether she is happy or unhappy. She answers obliquely in favor of unhappiness, suggesting that he may pity her a little.