60 pages 2 hours read

Henry James

The Portrait of a Lady

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1881

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Chapters 28-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary

Lord Warburton goes to Isabel’s hotel and learns that the group is at the opera. He joins and sits with Gilbert and Isabel. He is surprised and confused by her kindness toward him. After he leaves, Gilbert asks about his character. Isabel says it is irreproachable, but Henrietta disparages his wealth and politics.

Lord Warburton decides to leave Rome earlier than intended, and he says goodbye to Isabel. Gilbert values Isabel more when he thinks about “taking” something that could have belonged to a Lord.

Chapter 29 Summary

While Ralph dislikes Gilbert, he admits to himself that the latter is an excellent companion given his good humor and sociable manner in Rome. Gilbert thinks about how his happiness is related to his expected success with Isabel. Mrs. Touchett sends a telegram that she is planning to leave for Bellagio and will take Isabel with her if she doesn’t dawdle in Rome. Isabel prepares to leave.

She tells Gilbert, and he says that he will stay in Rome a little longer, so they may not see each other for a while. He tells her he is in love with her. He also says he doesn’t have much to offer her, and refrains from actually proposing.