67 pages 2 hours read

James Fenimore Cooper

The Pioneers

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1823

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Chapters 30-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 30 Summary

Pettibone takes Louisa home, and Elizabeth returns to the Mansion House with Temple. Hiram enters, insisting on discussing a matter of importance with Temple, despite the ordeal with the mountain lion. Hiram says that the court is due to sit soon, and will try some counterfeiters as well as some squatters on the far edge of Templeton lands who killed a deer out of season. Upon hearing the latter charge, Temple re-asserts his determination to stridently enforce the new hunting laws. Hiram also adds that he suspects Leatherstocking of keeping the carcass of a deer he shot out of season in his hut, and requests a search warrant to examine his home. Hiram explains that, though he can issue a warrant himself, he is wary and afraid of Leatherstocking and wants the Judge’s permission. Though Elizabeth objects, Temple reluctantly agrees.

After Hiram leaves, Temple tells Elizabeth that he needs to be above reproach as a Judge when it comes to matters of the law, but reassures her that if Leatherstocking did indeed kill a deer, she can simply pay his fine and settle the matter without trouble. Oliver then returns home, telling Temple how thankful he was to hear of the girls’ safety.