59 pages 1 hour read

William Gibson

The Peripheral

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 31-45

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 31 Summary: “Funny”

Flynne visits Shaylene, Macon, and Edward. Edward and Macon discuss the complexities of the instructions they have been given and indicate that they are not counterfeiting the device they have been tasked with making, which Edward identifies as “hands-free interface hardware” (130). Macon adds that it allows the user to “operate things by thinking about it” (130). Edward says that the files they were sent reveal that something like this has never been built before.

Chapter 32 Summary: “Tipstaff”

Netherton is visited by a man who turns out to be a peripheral for Rainey. They go to a bar called Maenad’s Crush, hoping to find some privacy away from the constant surveillance. Rainey, through her peripheral, informs Netherton that he is suspected of killing Aelita. She then suggests that Daedra may be framing him out of revenge for cutting off their sexual relationship. Out of nowhere, Lowbeer appears and discusses some of what she knows about the case, verifying that there is indeed a campaign afoot to frame Netherton for Aelita’s murder. As Lowbeer is about to escort Netherton out of the bar, she removes her tipstaff, which then morphs into a gun. She fires the gun, but the sound of it comes from a different area.