57 pages 1 hour read

Ann Patchett

The Patron Saint of Liars

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1992

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Part 3, Chapters 1-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Son”

Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary

Content Warning: This section discusses the death of a baby and a death by drowning.

The third part of the novel is told from Son’s point of view.

Son reflects on the first month of his marriage to Rose and his continued efforts to keep her from naming their child “Cecilia.” He learns that despite her small size and their age difference—he’s 45 and she’s 24—Rose can hold her own against him and does what she wants to when she wants to. He’s spent a long time believing nothing new would ever happen in his life, and meeting and marrying Rose has changed that for him.

Angie goes into labor, and Son and Rose drive her to the hospital. Angie goes into a room to have her baby, and Son and Rose remain outside in the waiting room. Rose is upset and has a hard time sitting down to wait. Later, a doctor comes to tell them that Angie’s baby died because its umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck and the doctors found out too late. Rose asks if this could have been prevented, and the doctor tells her that if they had known, they could have performed a caesarian section.