57 pages 1 hour read

Ann Patchett

The Patron Saint of Liars

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1992

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Part 3, Chapter 5-Part 4, Chapter 3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Son” - Part 4: “Cecilia”

Part 3, Chapter 5 Summary

Sister Evangeline finds June after she dies of a stroke and comes to tell Son about it. He and Sister Evangeline return to June’s home to get her off the ground and wait together for the people from the funeral home to arrive. Sister Evangeline says she wishes it had been her that died instead of June.

June is buried with her family, and the whole town of Habit comes to her funeral. Everyone is uncomfortable because all of the girls from Saint Elizabeth’s are there, too, and the townspeople typically do not interact with them. Sissy is embarrassed to be standing with the Saint Elizabeth’s crowd.

Now that June is dead, Son assumes that all the land will go to the Catholic Church because that’s what Mother Corinne has been saying will happen for years. Soon after the funeral, a lawyer from Owensboro calls Son and requests a meeting with him and Rose. He explains that June left them something in her will. Rose cannot attend due to her commitments in the kitchen, so Son goes alone. The lawyer reveals that June has left all her land to Son and Rose. Son returns to Saint Elizabeth’s to tell Rose, who is shocked.