48 pages 1 hour read

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

The Palace of Illusions

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 37-43

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary: “Owl”

At this point, only the warriors Duryodhan, Kripa, Kritavarma, and Aswatthama remain. The last battle has arrived, and it will be a duel between Duryodhan and Bheem. The winner will rule Hastinapur.

As the two fight, Bheem hits Duryodhan on the thigh low enough on the body so that he is “violating the most important law of gada-yuddha” (302). However, Bheem still wins by saying that Duryodhan has fought without honor in the past.

The Pandavas are victorious, and the five brothers sleep in the Kauravas’ camp. During the night, Panchaali dreams that she is Aswatthama, who has hatched yet another plan against the Pandavas. When she wakes up, she learns that Aswatthama has burned the Pandava camp. Dhri, Sikhandi, and her five sons died in the fire.  

Arjun pursues Aswatthama and finds him by the river Ganga. They fight, and Arjun wins. Bheem retrieves a jewel that Aswatthama owned, one that will protect “its wearer from weapons, disease, hunger” (308). Panchaali gives it to Yudhisthir to wear in his crown.