48 pages 1 hour read

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

The Palace of Illusions

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 31-36

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 31 Summary: “Preparation”

Duryodhan will not relinquish Indra Prastha. As a result, the Pandavas “itched for war” (234). The two sides amass armies and seek alliances. Both Duryodhan and Yudhisthir petition Krishna for help. Yudhisthir secures Krishna’s help while Duryodhan secures the help of the Narayanis, Krishna’s soldiers.

All of the Pandavas start having nightmares and cannot sleep well. Panchaali dreams of riderless horses, jackals, and elephants that “fell to their knees, trumpeting bloodily” (239). She laughs off the nightmares and tells her husbands not to heed them.

Karna encounters Indra, the king god, and must give him his armor and amulets. In return, Indra gives him Shakti, a powerful weapon, and promises him that he will be known as “the greatest of givers” (241).

Panchaali dreams of Kunti and Karna. She cannot hear the words spoken between them, but Kunti is crying and begging Karna for something. Panchaali chooses to keep the dream to herself. At the end of the dream, she no longer feels angry at Karna.

Chapter 32 Summary: “Field”

The Pandavas arrive in Kurukshetra where the battle between them and Duryodhan will take place. Panchaali is ready for the fight, and she notes, “that day of vindication had finally arrived” (245).