48 pages 1 hour read

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

The Palace of Illusions

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 19-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary: “Palace”

The Pandavas move to Khandav and set up a home there. Maya builds “a palace like no one has ever seen” (142). It is ornate and magical, and elements of it shift each day. Upon Panchaali’s request, there is running water everywhere. They name it the Palace of Illusions. Maya advises them to not invite anyone into the palace.

The family obeys Maya’s advice, and the city near the palace prospers and is called Indra Prastha. Each one of Pancaali’s five husbands fathers one son with her. She names her sons Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Srutakarman, Sataneeka, and Srutasena.  

When Kunti visits the palace, she is deferential toward Panchaali, realizing that her daughter-in-law is the mistress of this domain.

Chapter 20 Summary: “Wives”

As the years pass, Panchaali’s husbands take other wives. When this happens, Panchaali throws “tantrums” in order to show her displeasure and to make sure that her husbands maintain respect for her (150). She and her husbands have a strong bond, and she notes, “together, we formed something precious and unique” (152). Panchaali becomes particularly upset when Arjun marries Subhadra, Krishna’s sister. However, as time passes, she becomes friendly with Subhadra and the other wives, who remain in their own kingdoms.