63 pages 2 hours read

Mary Downing Hahn

The Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2004

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Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

As soon as Diana and Lissa find Georgie in the woods, he runs away. Diana catches up and holds him against a tree until he calms down and listens to her. She explains that “it’s okay to be friends with Lissa” (88), and Lissa adds that she won’t tell their strict parents. Georgie realizes that Diana lied but remains silent. Diana and Lissa try to convince Georgie, but he refuses, saying “I don’t need friends. And neither does Diana. We have each other” (88).

Finally, Lissa grows tired of Georgie’s temper and demands that he return her book and bear. She begins to cry, feeling guilty for yelling at Georgie, but Diana assures her not to worry. Georgie returns with Lissa’s items in tow and Nero at his side. He tells Lissa to leave them alone, as “Something terrible is going to happen […] And it will be your fault, Diana. Yours and hers” (91). With that, Georgie walks away. Lissa questions Georgie’s words, but Diana tells her that they need to get home before dark.

Mr. Morrison offers to let Diana stay for dinner, but she leaves, citing her strict parents.