63 pages 2 hours read

Mary Downing Hahn

The Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2004

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After Reading

Discussion/Analysis Prompt

The gate on the Willis property serves as an important symbol in this story. What idea does the gate stand for? How does the gate and its symbolism contribute to the overall message(s) conveyed by the story? Include details from the text in your answer. Consider these points as you formulate a response:

  • What general ideas come to mind when you think about gates?
  • What patterns of plot details, imagery, and language are associated with the gate in this story?
  • How is the gate related to the story’s larger theme of Forgiveness and Making Peace With the Past?

Teaching Suggestion: This prompt asks students to analyze how one of the novel’s symbols contributes to its larger meaning. If students have relatively little practice with symbolism, it may be helpful to review the concept before they write about or discuss this prompt. This 5-minute video from Oregon State University may be useful as a part of such a review. It may be beneficial to guide students through creating a chart where they can list plot details, imagery, and language associated with the gate, so that it is easier for them to look for patterns in these techniques.