72 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

The Old Curiosity Shop

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1840

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Chapters 47-51

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 47 Summary

Kit’s mother and the single gentleman make swift progress. On the way, they bond over having had similar family situations, and the gentleman offers to be godfather to her other two sons. They arrive at the waxwork just in time to see the end of Mrs. Jarley’s wedding to George. The single gentleman is deeply disappointed to learn of Nell and her grandfather’s swift departure and resolves to go home but not abandon his search.

Chapter 48 Summary

The single gentleman procures rooms at the inn for himself and for Kit’s mother. They are surprised to run into Quilp at the inn. The gentleman confronts Quilp, demanding to know if he is following them and what his business is there. Quilp denies all accusations but privately recalls previously connecting Kit with the single gentleman because Dick saw them at the notary together. Quilp planned to spy on Kit and his mother and followed them both from Little Bethel to the wedding. Once he learned their purpose by eavesdropping on the crowds, he followed them to the inn and staged their encounter there. Quilp reflects on his hatred of Nell, her grandfather, the single gentleman, Kit, and Kit’s mother.