72 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

The Old Curiosity Shop

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1840

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Chapters 38-41

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 38 Summary

Kit is doing well at the Garlands’ household. He sends money home to his family and visits when he is in their neighborhood on errands. One afternoon, Kit is called into the notary’s office. An older gentleman is there asking after Nell and her grandfather. In his questioning of Kit, the old man reveals himself to be the single gentleman staying at the Brasses’ house. The gentleman took up lodgings at the Brasses’ specifically because the Curiosity Shop is under their legal discretion. Dick, who is across the street, sees Kit and the gentleman as Kit is leaving. Dick asks Mr. Chuckster as well as Kit if they know the man’s identity, but neither does.

Chapter 39 Summary

Kit’s first payday approaches. He and Barbara get paid at the same time, so their families celebrate together. Kit and Barbara’s mothers bond over the fact that they are both widows. Barbara’s mother’s comments suggest that Barbara has taken an interest in Kit. The group attends a play. Afterwards, Barbara asks Kit about how pretty Nell is, and Kit’s answer demonstrates how oblivious he is to Barbara’s crush on him.