72 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

The Old Curiosity Shop

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1840

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Chapters 20-23

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Nell and her grandfather have been gone for approximately one week. Kit and his mother discuss rumors of Nell’s flight from London—namely, that they were last seen at the docks and have presumably sailed away. Kit returns to the notary’s office to watch the Garlands’ horse again. Slowly but surely, the horse takes a liking to him and will listen to Kit even while ignoring the same words spoken by its own master. Mr. Chuckster bids Kit to go inside the office, where he finds the Garlands, Abel, and Mr. Witherden waiting for him. After a short round of questions about his family, the Garlands take down his address. Outside, the horse runs away.

Chapter 21 Summary

After catching the horse, Kit returns home and finds the Garlands chatting with his mother. Mr. Garland makes Kit an offer: For a salary of six pounds a year, they want to employ Kit in their home. After some discussion, Kit’s mother gives permission, and the Garlands hire Kit to start immediately. As they celebrate, Mr. Quilp and Dick Swiveller walk into the house. Quilp asks if Kit or his mother have heard any news of Nell and her grandfather, but they have not.

Later, Quilp tells Dick about a summer house—they go there straight away.