56 pages 1 hour read

Mitch Albom

The Next Person You Meet in Heaven

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2018

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Chapter 26-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 26 Summary: “The Final Eternity”

Annie is in her final eternity, a blackened empty place. She feels alone and disappointed after having to leave the area with her son and Eddie in it. Annie now knows what happened in her life and the secrets that were kept from her have been revealed, but she is left wondering how it all connects. As she ponders this, her wedding dress is formed onto her body and the pain of the balloon accident returns. She wills herself to carry on and walks forward until she finds herself at her wedding reception. Countless bodies appear and are soon replaced by a single one: Paulo.

Chapter 27 Summary: “The Fifth Person Annie Meets in Heaven”

When Annie is nearly 30, her life has devolved into one of getting by, doing nothing but working and avoiding pain. She enjoys working with the elderly and hearing their stories at work, but this is one of the few joys she finds. One day, on her way to work, she spots Paulo outside the hospital doors. He immediately recognizes her, and a mysterious joy washes over them both.

Their reunion happens quickly, as they spend all week together, reminiscing, catching up, and eventually kissing.