90 pages 3 hours read

Umberto Eco

The Name of the Rose

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1980

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Fifth Day

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Fifth Day: Prime Summary

“Prime, in which there occurs a fraternal debate regarding the poverty of Jesus”


Adso awakens to a heavy fog, and seeing Bernard furtively taking his leave of Malachi, he follows the inquisitor into the chapter house (i.e., the room where large meetings are held), which had been recently rebuilt over the remains of a primitive church. Adso stares at the beautiful carvings and sculptures, which are not as disturbing as the ones in the main church, and which had transfixed him days earlier. He enters the room where the negotiations are just about to begin. Abo opens the meeting by summing up recent events. He then asks Michael of Cesena, his representative, to state which position he will present to Pope John in Avignon. Michael summons Ubertino to speak on the issue of Christ’s poverty, and as soon as he begins, Adso is struck by his eloquence. The debate proceeds along vehement but still cordial lines, with one monk after another—on both sides—venturing to speak. Things take a bad turn when the Dominican Bishop of Alborea gets into a screaming match with Jerome of Kaffa on the Franciscan side, and a brawl ensues between the Dominicans and the Minorites, which Abo and Cardinaldel Poggetto try to subdue.