61 pages 2 hours read

Thomas Hardy

The Mayor of Casterbridge

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1886

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Chapters 1-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Michael Henchard is an unemployed hay-trusser. He is married to Susan, and they have a daughter named Elizabeth-Jane. On a summer day in the 1820s, the family visits Weydon-Priors, a fictional town in the fictional county of Wessex. Susan studies her daughter’s expression, which is weary and pessimistic despite her young age. Henchard hopes to find work in the town but he is told that no one is hiring workers at this time. A fair is taking place. As the family walks around the fair, Henchard finds a tent selling beer. Rather than enter, he is persuaded by Susan to go to a food tent instead.

As Henchard purchases unappealing food for his family, he convinces the “haggish creature” serving the food to lace his bowl with rum (3). Henchard eats several portions and becomes drunk and “quarrelsome” (4). He complains about the state of his life and blames his wife, bemoaning that he married so young. As the alcohol takes hold of Henchard, he loudly asks the people in the tent to bid on his wife. Susan is used to her husband’s drunken abuse and threatens to leave with their daughter. Susan encourages the auction to spite Henchard.