125 pages 4 hours read

Ray Bradbury

The Martian Chronicles

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1950

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“November 2005: The Watchers”

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“November 2005: The Watchers” Summary

News of war on Earth spreads across Mars to the settlers who remain. Many leave their homes to watch “the green star of Earth” (191) in the sky. They struggle with imagining the war across all that distance and reconciling themselves with the numbing aspect of life in a distant territory, realizing that “space was an anesthetic” (192). But looking at the Earth, their memories are rekindled, and several people inquire about their relatives back home.

To their horror, the Earth explodes and burns while they watch. The settlers are in shock and talk about contacting their relatives, but none do so. Once the Earth stops burning, a message is received from the planet, a light blinking in Morse code, its primary message: “COME HOME” (193). Soon after, the Proprietor of the luggage store sells out of his stock.

“November 2005: The Watchers” Analysis

The reappearance of the luggage store proprietor couples this vignette with “The Luggage Store” and seems to confirm many of the suspicions the Proprietor and Father Peregrine discussed. The argumentative structure of the vignettes is similar, with the nature of belief examined through the lens of distance before the notion of human connection overriding that distance is suggested.