125 pages 4 hours read

Ray Bradbury

The Martian Chronicles

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1950

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“April 2000: The Third Expedition”

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“April 2000: The Third Expedition” Summary

Captain John Black and the Third Expedition land in a grassy field on Mars, near a small town that is strikingly familiar to their hometowns in Ohio. Captain Black is suspicious of the town, and the archaeologist, Hinkston, cannot calm his own suspicions nor can he explain the familiarity of the town. Wary, Captain Black commands his crew to stay with the rocket, while he, Hinkston, and Lustig, the navigator, explore the town.

They first meet a woman who claims they are in Green Bluff, Illinois and that the year is 1926, leading them to despair that they have time travelled, but Black isn’t convinced. Lustig spots his grandmother and grandfather and rushes to them gladly. They claim to have been living on Mars since their deaths thirty years ago, and Lustig’s grandmother chides Black for asking questions. Black then watches with consternation as his crew abandons their positions on the rocket and rush into town to reconnect with their lost loved ones. A celebration begins in town.

Black is caught off-guard as his deceased brother Ed approaches but is swept along with the promise of seeing his parents again. Black spends a happy night at home with his family, but he cannot get to sleep at night as he thinks of the various theories proposed during the day.