51 pages 1 hour read

Mitch Albom

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2012

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Interlude 10-Chapter 51

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Interlude 10 Summary: “Pau Sanz: Inspector Jefe (chief inspector of police), Cuerpo Nacional de Policía”

Pau is investigating Frankie’s death, and he believes that it was a murder because no one can rise from a stage and fall to their death on their own.

Chapter 44 Summary

In 1981, Lyle, Eddie, and Cluck, three recent college graduates, arrive on Waiheke Island. They’re there on a post-college trip to find Frankie Presto. Twelve years after Frankie’s Woodstock incident, he had disappeared and become a legend. The three young men are in a band, and they’re all fascinated by the Frankie Presto mystery. They followed various clues to the island, hoping to find him there.

When they first get to the island, a man named Kevin gives them a ride. After making small talk, the man invites them to his house to stay the night. The next morning, he takes the three men to a wooded area on the beach. He tells them that they’ll find what they’re looking for. They walk through the woods to see a man playing scales on his guitar. They think it can’t be Frankie because scales would be too simple for him.