71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 53-56

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 53 Summary

Leo shows his cabinmates and Chiron Bunker Nine, as well as his ability to create fire. Hephaestus has left Festus’s head on the table. Leo explains to his group that he wants to begin building the ship with Festus’s head that he has seen in the bunker’s diagrams, as well as in his own dreams. Chiron explains that the bunker was built during the Civil War between Greek and Roman demigods (an event that the American Civil War paralleled). Since then, each group has been ignorant of the other’s existence. Leo is confident that they must all prepare for the seven demigods’ quest to save the world.

Chapter 54 Summary

Chiron tells the group that they have six months to construct Argos II. The group of seven demigods will need to travel by sea and air. Leo is made head counselor of his cabin.

Chapter 55 Summary

Jason’s old memories are coming back, and he is fairly sure he had friends and even a girlfriend at his last camp. He speaks to the statue of Zeus and asks for help on his quest. Hera appears, and tells Jason that Zeus has already sent guidance in the form of Piper and Leo.