71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 45-48

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 45 Summary

The demigods are safe on a helicopter after Piper uses charmspeak. Her father, Tristan, is deeply disturbed by his encounters with the giants. As she explains the truth about Aphrodite, as well as her own powers, he is upset, saying, “‘I live in a world of monsters’” (474). She considers giving him the memory serum. 

Chapter 46 Summary

Piper persuades the air traffic controllers to let their helicopter land. In an emotional scene, Tristan tells Piper that he sent her away to protect her. She gives him the memory serum, and promises him they’ll talk about her true heritage again when he’s ready. Coach Hedge volunteers to care of Tristan while the demigods complete their quest. Thalia appears in the air and urges them to come quickly; she tells them that “Porphyrion is rising” (480). Leo volunteers to fly the helicopter. 

Chapter 47 Summary

The demigods head to the Wolf House, which Jason now remembers was built by Jack London, an author and demigod. He also realizes he used to live there. While Jason rests, Piper tells Leo that she’s afraid of what might happen when Jason regains his memory. Leo assures her that she can trust him, and trust herself.