71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 33-36

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary

Piper wakes up after being dunked in the river to fully reverse being turned to gold. In addition to having hurt her foot, she is cold and shivering. Jason holds her. Coach Hedge explains that the gods “hate needing humans” (366). Piper mulls her dilemma: she can either save her father or stay loyal to her friends. She thinks back to a memory of her father, during which he explained he named her Piper because her grandfather believed she would “be the greatest musician of the family,” and capable of singing Cherokee songs (371). She resolves to stand by her friends, and finally tells them the truth about her dreams. Jason assures her that they can save both her father and Hera.

Chapter 34 Summary

The group hears wolves, but Piper is too weak to stand and fight. A pack enters the cave, accompanied by their king, Lycaon. Piper knows his story: he fed Zeus mortal flesh, so Zeus killed his sons. He threatens to kill them all, save for Jason, who one of his “compatriots” wants to kill herself. Leo creates a wall of fire to protect them, and then the Artemis Hunters arrive.