71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 25-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary

Still passed out from the Cyclops’ blow, Jason dreams of Hera. She explains more of the current predicament to him. First, she tells him that as a goddess, she can be in many places all at once. Then, she explains that Zeus has ceased contact with the demigods because he believes that the gods’ involvement on earth has created the recent catastrophes. Hera disagreed, and slipped out of Olympus, only to be trapped. Jason asks about her gamble, and she tells him, “You are my peace offering, Jason” (273). He awakes to find Festus repaired. He tells his friends about Hera’s message. They see a ventus and decide to follow it.

Chapter 26 Summary

They follow the ventus to Chicago, where they climb down into a sewer. Piper’s ankle is still injured, so they stop to rest; Leo makes vegetarian tacos. The friends discuss Leo’s ability with fire, and Jason assures him he shouldn’t be ashamed or afraid of his power. Jason ponders the difficulty of being a demigod, and all the responsibility that comes with it. He wonders if he is up to the task of leading the demigods, and is reminded of Boreus’s prediction, “you’ll tear each other apart” (289).