71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Lost Hero

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2010

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Chapters 1-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

This chapter follows Jason as he wakes up on a school bus, “not sure where he [is], holding hands with a girl he [doesn’t] know” (3). He learns that the girl, Piper, believes she’s his girlfriend; that the boy sitting in front of them is his supposed best friend, Leo; and that all the kids on the bus attend the Wilderness School in Nevada. They get off the bus and arrive at a museum. Piper leaves the two boys to work with Dylan, her partner for the day’s assignment. They walk through the museum and arrive at a skywalk that extends over the Grand Canyon. As a dark circle of clouds forms, Jason has the feeling he is in danger, and reaches into his pocket to find a golden coin. He reveals his amnesia to Coach Hedge, who confirms that he’s never seen him before. He also tells Jason that he senses a monster in their midst, and that Camp Half-Blood will be performing an extraction. Jason finds his words familiar, but can’t remember their meaning. As he tries to interrogate the Coach further, lightning appears above, and the Coach tries to evacuate the skywalk.