64 pages 2 hours read

Michael Connelly

The Lincoln Lawyer

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “Pretrial Intervention”

Chapter 6 Summary

Mick leaves court and calls his investigator, Raul Levin, from the car. He asks him to start working on the Roulet case, but not to put too many hours in until Mick receives payment from Roulet or Dobbs.

Next, Mick calls Lorna Taylor, who again reminds him that Gloria Dayton needs representation, as she is being held before being charged due to drug withdrawal. Lorna implores Mick to stop representing Gloria pro bono. Mick wonders if he is so drawn to helping Gloria because his own father represented sex workers, often for free, when he was practicing law. Mick’s father was a famous criminal defense lawyer, well respected throughout L.A. Mick was born to his father’s second wife, late in his life. His father died before Mick really knew him, but he is proud to bear his father’s name. He has read books about his father and knows that he had been a fine lawyer.

Mick reveals that Lorna is his second ex-wife. He and Lorna married quickly after their first marriages ended and decided to divorce quickly as well. They remain friends and coworkers, though Lorna’s nagging him about his choices and clients is hard to handle.