64 pages 2 hours read

Michael Connelly

The Lincoln Lawyer

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “Pretrial Intervention”

Chapter 16 Summary

Mick meets Maggie at the Irish pub on St. Patty’s Day. They share a beer and then decide to get a quick dinner before Maggie has to relieve the babysitter. It is clear that Mick and Maggie still have chemistry. Over drinks and dinner, Maggie reveals information about the prosecutor’s case that she shouldn’t: There is a hidden witness named Corliss. Maggie doesn’t trust this witness, which Mick takes to mean that he is a jailhouse snitch. Mick realizes that Corliss must have been one of the inmates in the pen with Roulet on his first day in court and could have overheard him talking to Mick about his case. Later after having some wine, Maggie discloses what the snitch claims Roulet said: that Roulet was in jail “for giving a bitch exactly what she deserved” (190). Maggie accuses Mick of getting her drunk to reveal information about the case.

They change the subject to their daughter, Hayley. Mick says that now that Hayley is older, he really enjoys spending time with her and wants to be a bigger part of her life. Maggie is very moved, but says she wants to take it slow so that Hayley doesn’t get her hopes up for nothing.